Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, has been arrested in France, sparking shockwaves in the tech and cryptocurrency industries. The 39-year-old, who holds dual French-Russian citizenship, was detained by the French Air Transport Gendarmerie (GTA) as he disembarked from his private jet at Le Bourget airport on Saturday evening.
According to French authorities, Durov was wanted for his alleged involvement in drug trafficking, child exploitation crimes, and fraud through Telegram. The platform’s lack of moderation and cooperation with law enforcement, as well as the tools it offers such as disposable numbers and cryptocurrencies, have raised concerns about its role in facilitating illegal activities.
The arrest comes after a search warrant was issued for Durov by the OFMIN, part of the national police’s criminal investigation division, based on a preliminary investigation. Investigators from the National Anti-Fraud Office (ONAF) have informed him of his charges and placed him in custody. He is expected to appear before an investigating judge and could face charges for offenses including terrorism, drug trafficking, complicity, fraud, money laundering, handling stolen goods, and child exploitation content.
Durov’s arrest has had immediate repercussions in the cryptocurrency industry, with the value of Toncoin (TON), Telegram’s native cryptocurrency, plummeting by 25%. Telegram has been widely used in the crypto community for its encrypted messaging service, which offers a high level of privacy and security. However, Durov’s arrest has raised concerns about the platform’s future and its compliance with law enforcement.
The high-profile nature of Durov’s arrest is seen as a signal to criminals who have been using Telegram for illegal activities, as well as a push for European countries to collaborate more closely on terrorism-related cases. Investigators argue that Telegram’s commitment to free speech without censorship has inadvertently made it a hub for organized crime, prompting the need for stricter enforcement measures.
As Durov faces the possibility of pre-trial detention and a range of serious charges, the tech and cryptocurrency industries are left reeling from the impact of his arrest. The future of Telegram and its role in facilitating secure communication and privacy in the digital age remains uncertain as the legal proceedings unfold.